Welcome to the Golibri Initiative

The Golibri Initiative has been started to create a Java library that supports general administrative concepts that are used in government and business applications. The Golibri library includes representationts of ID card numbers, social security numbers, country codes, languages, email addresses, etc...

The Golibri library can be subdivided into three main parts :

The classes in the Golibri library are in essence very simple. Most of them are immutable value classes that represent a single number or concept. A lot of classes are also accompanied by a factory class that contains all existing values for a code or number (e.g. CurrencyCodes contains all existing values for an alpha-2 currency code). So the Golibri library combines implementation with data (possible values of the implementation). The data containing these values can be found in a file called golibri-resources.zip. If the data in this zip-file is incomplete or needs change it can easily be updated by editing the resources in the zip-file.

The creators of the Golibri library are mainly acquainted with the administrative concepts of the Belgian authorities. As a consequence these concepts were implemented first. The implemented concepts give already a very good idea of the purpose of the library. Concepts from other countries will be implemented as well, to begin with France, the UK, the US and the Netherlands.

The hard part is mostly the gathering of the business knowledge for the different countries. Therefor, if you happen to know a lot about the country-specific administrative concepts of your country, feel free to help us in extending this library for your country.

Copyright © 2002-2004 Golibri Initiative

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